The Blog
Remember, when something doesn't come to fruition in the physical world, it's often because the desire is rooted in the mental plane. When you experience mental chatter, pressure, or resistance around a particular scenario, it won’t manifest—this is to protect you from yourself. If the experience were to happen, it would likely be to teach you a physical lesson (suffering) that brings you back to your heart. All things manifest in the physical world when there is...
It’s amazing how life turns out when we listen to our intuitive guidance within and follow it without questioning. Your life takes on such a different texture. Living without intuition is like relying solely on your personal willpower to make things happen. Over time, this can lead to exhaustion, confusion, stress, and health problems. Many people realize the importance of living a life of connection only after something heavy happens in their life, forcing them to face the music.
If you...
Yes, the Akashic Records hold vast universal information, but the information we access most readily is that which is rooted in our spiritual growth, learning lessons, and asking questions from the heart. If you're learning to read the Records, you may notice that they don't always answer some of your questions, leading to what feels like dead silence.
However, when you ask questions about how you can grow as a soul, you will find that the information is unlocked.
The Essence and...
Relieve the mind of all external jargon, concepts, and opinions. The more you begin to create your own authentic language, energy, and connection...The more truth will be uncovered.
You can experiment finding the truth within your channel by questioning popular spiritual concepts, current events, while keeping a sense of deep curiosity and openness. I have found the more that I release popular spiritual concepts, popular opinions while simultaneously tapping into the pure essence of the...
The intrinsic nature of all things is that nothing is left behind. You see everything one moment at a time, and all things seen before and after are seen in the present moment. What is in the present is something you built up energetically at some point in your universal existence—all energies from all existences and all times.
Ultimately, the way to transform your existence is to see the moment and not be pressed or concerned about anything. The more you watch the present moment with...

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