Loving Conduit
My name is April Curry. I help people activate their intuitive intelligence through Reiki, The Akashic records, Mediumship, and to connect with God/The Universe so they can live an embodied life.
I tell people all the time that everyone is intuitive, it is innate in all of us. We just have to activate certain brainwave states to receive the messages... Those very messages give us clarity purpose direction and the power to live a life of our dreams.
The purpose of my work is to help people re activate this power within them so they can attract abundance, peace, opportunities, and ease into their life. Nothing is more powerful than unlocking the ability to be your own inner guru and life architect.
When the collective can accompany the intellectual intelligence with their intuitive intelligence there's no limits to the human potential!
I love helping those who are passionate about fulfilling their purpose and helping the world such as entrepreneurs, industry leaders, and heart centered souls. Why you may ask?
More people are stepping into their individuality, innovation, entrepreneurship, and creative endeavors that will change the structure of society and how we live in it. What a beautiful time to be ALIVE!!!
I have always been in search of truth and the deeper meaning of life. This led me to leave my corporate job back in 2012 where I began my intense practice in Za zen while traveling the country off grid in a camper. At this time I was in search of the most scenic forests while meditating and drawing. My only focus in those years was meditation, clearing, and finding my internal compass. Mind you I had no understanding why I was doing this other than I knew I needed to be doing it. Think of it as spending 5 years on pause. If I took action towards anything at that time I would get universally nudged back to sitting on a cushion in the woods. It was a trip!!!
Once I surrendered into it more, I suddenly was introduced to Reiki in 2017 which re activated my intuitive channel. It allowed me to use alpha theta and gamma brain wave states at will. (Remember we all have an intuitive channel... They just lay dormant waiting for us to use it.) From there I began to organize and integrate my gifts in the Akashic Records. The Records seamlessly helped me developed a stronger understanding of who I am as a soul. From this space I realized that when we attune ourselves to higher vibrational planes of consciousness we step into authenticity, creativity, purpose, universal wisdom, and reclaim our power to live in our souls essence on earth. Not only that but it's a great tool to organize intuition. Developing intuition can be challenging and messy, but the records created this unwavering focus and held me in such a pure way.
Spending time in the frequencies of the Akashic Records then reintroduced me to God... I'm going to use the word God because thats how I connect to it in the deepest way but you can use the word source, white light, higher power... what ever helps you connect the deepest.
Once this connection became more concrete in my life I never ignored it. If I did it would be like ignoring the very source that keeps the lights of the universe on. It sees and feels everything and knows what's coming. From here I fell into more trust, surrender, and faith and began the dance of life with god. God explained to me that we can create a life with him and the more we add in details and suggestions that are in accordance with our soul and what god wants it gets supercharged and supported.
So how did I end up where I am?
I used all the tools I just mentioned above. I used Reiki as a foundational connection that matches the frequency of the Records. Activated my power, my purpose in the records, and organized my gifts within them. Once I saw the truth I connected to god and god shined a light on the direction I needed to take to help others. Opportunities came to me and I took action on my intuitive messages. I have been teaching and reading since 2019... training tons of people in Reiki and the Akashic Records and have no plans of slowing down. I just plan to continue what I am doing with more ease abundance and joy every year.
When I was younger I truly had no idea what I was going to do in this life. I always felt that it was a big purpose probably just like how you feel about your purpose. Sometimes the reason we don't know is because we are the ones that are going to invent it or lead a wave. What we do know is it is going to help so many people and that is what is driving us.
Life is a beautiful game meant to be played with love joy and admiration for our connection to it all. Welcome to heaven on earth!!!
What is Reiki
Reiki is energy healing that helps to clear chakras, increases our connection to source, and opens us up to subtle intuitive energies. When you learn to connect to the energy that creates all, you begin to feel energetically supported on a whole other level. You can learn Reiki to regulate your sensitivities while remaining open hearted. while magnetizing a life of abundance and flow. It is a great tool to instaneously go into an Alpha brain wave state which is a meditative state. This very state helps you to Access the Akashic Records.
What is the Akashic Records
Reiki creates an effortless entry way into the Akashic Records. The Records extends a high vibrational dialogue to navigate life, purpose, subconscious patterning, release trauma, spiritual growth, career, family, purpose etc. The Akashic Records is an etheric plane that holds the vibrational information of every soul, event, and energy thats existed in the past, present, and future.... think of it being like a spiritual google where you can search information that helps you grow as a soul and live in your purpose. Much of what you experience in the records is an unlocking of self expression. We also access the Akashic Records with our crown chakra which is located at the top of the head. Connecting with any energy with our crown chakra and reading energies is called... Mediumship. Mediumship can be used to read your higher self, businesses, relationships, career, etc. It is not just reading people who passed away. Learning to cultivate mediumship helps you to ground the information from the records and is a useful tool to make the experience more human and practical.
Once you begin to discover this connection within you, you can call in what you want and what you need with conviction love and faith... and it will happen better than you could ever imagine!