The Blog

Beautiful Time To Be Alive Oct 10, 2024

What a beautiful time to be alive. Our identities—around our relationships, what we do for work, and our relationship with ourselves—are transforming. We are being asked to witness everything from a big-picture perspective, to be patient, and to see where the cards begin to fall.

Now, more than ever, it’s so important to stay true to ourselves, to move with what feels right, and to let go of old belief systems. What I love most about this time is that the more you...

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Master All Your Clairs Sep 29, 2024

One of my favorite things about being intuitive is learning how to direct energy, commanding it to move and work with you. When you engage energy with conviction and intention, you can read it however you wish—whether through sight, hearing, feeling, or knowing.

Mastering all your Clairs is proof that you can alchemize anything into your life. If you can learn to read energy and direct it, imagine what you can accomplish in terms of manifesting your desires. Everything starts with...

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Why I love Reiki Dance Sep 23, 2024
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God-Led Meditations Changed My Life Sep 15, 2024

This meditation will be held live in the membership in a couple of weeks. Watch your life transform. I went from being super structured, rigid, pushing, and relying solely on my own willpower to make things happen. This meditation teaches us to loosen the grip of what the mind thinks we should do and instead listen to the gentle whispers of God. When we follow these messages, life opens up to us magically. We then align our will to move these messages into our lives and take action on them....

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Connect To God Through an Appreciation Exercise Sep 08, 2024

 Here is a beautiful appreciation affirmation that I created for God while journaling a devotional message in the morning. This practice helps me connect with God's essence, and I’m sharing it in case you feel called to create something similar for yourself. So, here it is: Holy Spirit of God, I love you.

Thank you for this present moment. I trust you with my life. I am in deep surrender. Whatever is presented in front of me is my highest lesson from God, whether it is deemed...

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Experience Gods Mind & Messages By Developing Intuition And Reading The Akashic Records Aug 31, 2024

Nothing is limited; everything expressed through you creates something, whether you deem it positive or negative. Think about how powerful that is—you can create anything. Consider the mind as only 1/10th of true awareness. You must learn to drop the mind, manage the mind, to gain awareness of all subtleties in your energetics that are creating things to express the way they do in this physical world. Learning how to obtain God’s conscious state allows you to borrow God’s...

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