I don’t know about you, but all my life, I’ve known there was a higher power—God, Source, the Divine. At times, I could feel it, but it wasn’t until I began tuning my frequency to the Akashic Records, reading in the quantum field, and practicing Reiki that I truly experienced this connection. These modalities elevate our vibration and align us with higher states of consciousness, making it easier to hear God’s voice—not just as a fleeting feeling, but as a deep, ongoing relationship. The more we live in this flow state and develop our intuition, the more we recognize our divine connection. We also become aware of what pulls us out of alignment and what brings us closer to God. Unlike religion, which often prescribes specific rules and rituals to follow, this journey is about discovering your own unique, intimate relationship with God. Everyone experiences the Divine differently, and that’s exactly how it’s meant to be. In my upcoming membership series, I’ll be teaching how to cultivate this sacred connection, trust your individual experiences, and live in harmony with divine guidance. I’m so excited to share this with you!
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