The Best Way that You can Truly find the Truth is by Receiving Messages from Within.
Jul 28, 2024
Relieve the mind of all external jargon, concepts, and opinions. The more you begin to create your own authentic language, energy, and connection...The more truth will be uncovered.
You can experiment finding the truth within your channel by questioning popular spiritual concepts, current events, while keeping a sense of deep curiosity and openness. I have found the more that I release popular spiritual concepts, popular opinions while simultaneously tapping into the pure essence of the Akashic Records…. it shows me the direct path to the truth over and over and over again. I am also gently reminded that these truths are in a way changeable and that conceptualization creates a false sense of security ….but that it is a necessary for the human consciousness to grasp spiritual understanding.
Therefore not taking everything that I see to be permanent, but that it is an endless infinite supply of wisdom that I can tap into anytime l want to receive the truth in the moment.
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