How I Healed an Eating Disorder in The Akashic Records
Nov 27, 2024
For most of my teens and twenties, I struggled with eating disorder-like thinking and deep insecurity about my body. I was constantly working out, following strict diets like Paleo, and relying on what the fitness industry, nutritionists, and even Harvard studies said about weight loss. Despite all my efforts, I held a deeply ingrained belief that I’d always be 15 pounds heavier than I “should” be. As an intuitive and someone connected to the power of thoughts, I now understand that our beliefs carry far more weight than we can imagine.
When I began asking questions about my past struggles with food, exercise, and body image in the Akashic Records, the guidance I received was unexpected but life-changing. The message was simple: engage in activities I genuinely love, eat freely and joyfully, and let go of rigid expectations. The Records reassured me that by doing so, I would naturally align with the body I was meant to have—not through force, but through freedom. So, I decided to test this guidance. I shifted my focus away from trying to lose or gain weight and instead embraced a new intention: to simply be myself. I listened to my body, ate foods that brought me joy, and chose movement that felt good—not because I had to, but because I wanted to. Six to nine months later, something remarkable happened. The belief that I was “too big” dissolved. I felt lighter—not just physically, but emotionally and mentally. I laughed more, savored my meals, and enjoyed life in a way I never had before. Slowly but surely, I settled into my ideal weight—15 pounds lighter than I had been—but this time, I wasn’t chasing a number on the scale. I was simply happy, healthy, and free. For the first time, I experienced true freedom from the chains of body image struggles and eating disorder-like patterns. In a world that often tells us these battles are lifelong, the Akashic Records taught me that healing is not only possible but profound. The Records brought me into my healthiest, truest expression.
They reminded me that the key to healing lies in peeling back the layers of trauma and limiting beliefs that hold us back, reconnecting with our present selves, and embracing unconditional love. you can truly heal anything in the records. Starting in January, I’ll be offering guidance to help others on their journeys through the Akashic Records. It would be an honor to teach you how to listen to the messages they hold, take action, and uncover your own path to healing and freedom.
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