God-Led Meditations Changed My Life
Sep 15, 2024
This meditation will be held live in the membership in a couple of weeks. Watch your life transform. I went from being super structured, rigid, pushing, and relying solely on my own willpower to make things happen. This meditation teaches us to loosen the grip of what the mind thinks we should do and instead listen to the gentle whispers of God. When we follow these messages, life opens up to us magically. We then align our will to move these messages into our lives and take action on them. Let God lead first, and everything else becomes supercharged by God's energy. I start the meditation with intentional affirmations like these: I surrender my health to God.
I surrender my bank account to God.
I surrender my relationships to God.
I surrender my ego to God.
I surrender my life purpose to God.
I surrender my life to God. Once I sit in the energy created by these intentions, I ask God: "What do you want me to do? What is coming in that I need to take action on?" Then, I passively observe the messages as they come. If you take one action infused with God's energy, it is equivalent to 100 actions from the mental plane. I can’t wait to teach you this. It has completely transformed my health, work, finances, self-love, and relationships. Come Join us LIVE!!!! Can’t wait to see you there.
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- X:April Curry
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- YouTube: akashicapril