Focus on Your Present Moment to Clear Karma & Change Your Life!
Jul 21, 2024
The intrinsic nature of all things is that nothing is left behind. You see everything one moment at a time, and all things seen before and after are seen in the present moment. What is in the present is something you built up energetically at some point in your universal existence—all energies from all existences and all times.
Ultimately, the way to transform your existence is to see the moment and not be pressed or concerned about anything. The more you watch the present moment with an open heart and compassion, the more you are set free from any timeline you do not wish to acquire, bringing unconditional love with a little human passion into a situation that you want to form into existence.
This is the method. In human words, in your present moment, you are being shown everything you ever focused on in your entire existence as a soul becoming manifest. How will you transform your present moment to transform your life and vibration? The more you witness your life, release the focus on things you don’t want, and focus on what you do want with joy, the more you can release karma and step into the highest timelines. For example, if you are in between jobs and don’t have enough money to pay for next month’s bills, instead of dwelling on this, look into what jobs you can apply for that give you a sense of joy to work at. Joy is our compass that leads us into our purpose. The more we work towards our purpose, the more the universe or God provides us with health, abundance, and joyful experiences. Whatever we focus on is the timeline and karmic path we choose for ourselves.
The mind and ego will do their best to grasp onto old karmic thought patterns that we are comfortable with during these times. Just acknowledge it for what it is: an ego death. Egos like to put up a fight when we are making big changes.
The best way to discern the heart from the ego is to ask what is my motivation in the actions I’m doing in the present moment. Is it for love for myself or fear or feeling I need to do something? All actions led from the heart are loving towards yourself and don’t always make sense to our rational mind. Do your best to not let the mind run the show; let the heart lead the way and utilize the mind to execute the heart's orders.
I love helping people figure this out in my membership courses and readings. I learned this in the records, and I want it to spread like wildfire!
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With love,