TheĀ Blog

Energy Update!

Dec 14, 2023

Here is a beautiful energy update. You may feel like you are sitting while all the energies around you are swirling it’s important to let them settle and see where they lay before embarking on a clear direction and path moving forward the best thing that you can do while sitting in this energy is seeing where there is attachment desire, the need to control and resistance within your consciousness and energy. When you can release and sit into the present moment, the peace and joy that you create in the moment will attract the higher vibrational energies that are swirling around you, this will create the frequency you need to build the life of your dreams and believe it or not the life of your dreams is built on a stronger foundation when you allow the energy of the universe to build it while you watch and ask the universe when I needs you to take certain action on specific energy channels. We must take action but only when we are divinely led. How can you make room to hear the universe? How will you know when a message is coming from that space? Meditate meditate meditate, learn how to utilize Reiki energy, and tap into the Akashic Records. These are all pathways to opening up to your superconsciousness which always always always has clear directions on where to go and what to do! This is a great time to learn how to tap in to open yourself up to your highest potentials in 2024!

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