Change Your Vibration, Change Your Life
May 18, 2024
Once I realized that energy and your vibration are single-handedly the most important things, my life got tremendously better. For example, if two people sing the same song, both have tremendous voices, but everyone is attracted to one over the other; this is based on the energy they exude. The funny thing about focusing on raising your vibration is that it automatically brings you into a state of alignment that allows you to reach for the higher vibrational aspects of yourself. As a soul, we have all sorts of vibrational frequencies in our inner program. We can activate certain ones while letting others go dormant within our system. We can eliminate health issues, mental distress, toxic relationships, lack, etc., just by attuning ourselves to the highest versions of ourselves. Once you learn how to do this, you can discern when you’ve lost focus on keeping your energy high by observing how your environment interacts with you.
As I said earlier about the singers, your external environment really does respond to this. Begin to pay attention to what common patterns show up when you are in a lower and higher vibration as a gauging point. Once you begin to get the hang of keeping your energy at a higher alignment, you will begin to notice many of your life obstacles, how people treat you, and your inner dialogue changes. How do you begin to do this? I started with meditation... I really noticed a difference when I learned how to activate Reiki and opened the Akashic Records. Reiki teaches you to self-regulate while calling in high vibrational energy to release any heavy energy in your system or environment. The Akashic Records are my inner therapist and guru... Not one single person out there can reach the high vibrational messages that are in the records. They truly have exact truth for each individual soul to hear that allows the mind to release its grips, trauma thoughts, worry, and gives you the awareness that you can change your program at any time. These two modalities opened me up to match the essence of god, which allowed me to meld my purpose and my highest potentials of living in love.
Now, imagine those two singers again. Imagine that one works really hard, studied her craft, and is in a good mood. The second singer brought the energy of Reiki and sat in the Akashic Records before she went on stage. She is a beautiful singer who allows the universe to guide her voice. Which one do you think you would watch more?
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