Beautiful Time To Be Alive
Oct 10, 2024
What a beautiful time to be alive. Our identities—around our relationships, what we do for work, and our relationship with ourselves—are transforming. We are being asked to witness everything from a big-picture perspective, to be patient, and to see where the cards begin to fall.
Now, more than ever, it’s so important to stay true to ourselves, to move with what feels right, and to let go of old belief systems. What I love most about this time is that the more you cultivate intuitive intelligence, the more you’ll be able to navigate this current energy with ease. When you allow yourself to sit in trust, follow your inner guidance, and listen to your heart, you’ll realize you’re living more in alignment with your soul’s truth, creating a heaven-on-earth experience no matter what is happening in the world. You will be the one to lead others to their truth, especially those struggling to sift through these transitional times. This is why this membership was created. The more we come together and cultivate these gifts, the more we can shift our own lives—and the lives of those around us.
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