Akashic Records: The Power of Heart-Centered Questions
Aug 03, 2024
Yes, the Akashic Records hold vast universal information, but the information we access most readily is that which is rooted in our spiritual growth, learning lessons, and asking questions from the heart. If you're learning to read the Records, you may notice that they don't always answer some of your questions, leading to what feels like dead silence.
However, when you ask questions about how you can grow as a soul, you will find that the information is unlocked.
The Essence and Examples of Heart-Centered vs. Surface-Level Questions Surface-Level Questions:
What job should I take? Will I find love soon? How can I make more money? Heart-Centered Questions: What career path aligns with my soul's purpose and highest good? What lessons do I need to learn to attract and maintain a loving, fulfilling relationship? How can I cultivate a mindset of abundance and align myself with the flow of prosperity?
The shift in focus from external outcomes to internal growth will inspire external action and change. When we ask heart-centered questions, the Records open up with layers of guidance and open us up to big life transformations!
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